Renewable Energy

What does it mean to be a "renewable" source?

The resources we have on Earth were all created through geological, physical, chemical, and biological processes. Some of these processes happen very rapidly, while others occur over hundreds of millions to billions of years. Renewable resources are those that are naturally replenished at a rate allowing for their continual use, so long as they are not overused and depleted. Renewable energy is energy that is produced from these renewable resources.

Factors That Affect Energy Source

There are a variety of factors that can influence which sources are used for energy and how they are used. 

One of the biggest is availability - communities will use energy sources that are more accessible to them. For example, the state of New York produces a large amount of energy via hydroelectric power due to resources such as Niagara Falls being present in the state. 

Government regulations can also have extremely large effects on which energy sources are used. Governments can implement taxes to discourage the use of fossil fuels (such as Canada's carbon tax), or they can use rebates, tax breaks, or subsidies to encourage the use of cleaner energy (such as the federal tax credit for putting in solar panels in the US). Governments can also pass legislation requiring the use of a certain amount of renewables; most states have "renewable portfolio standards" that set a minimum amount of the state's energy that should come from renewable sources.

Availability, certain government regulations, and current technology can all have a very large effect on one of the other major factors that affect energy sources - price. Communities tend to use sources of energy that are cheaper.


One of the most commonly-used sources of renewable energy in developing nations is biomass energy - energy that is generated from living (or once-living) things. These are easily accessible and low-cost, which is what leads to their popular use.

Items such as wood, peat, animal waste, and charcoal (which is made from heating biomass, such as wood, under anaerobic conditions for long periods of time) are burned for energy, particularly for use in cooking and heating. This releases CO2, as well as a variety of air pollutants (carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides, particular matter, and volatile organic compounds). In addition, when it comes to wood, deforestation is a risk should overharvesting occur.

Biomass can be converted into a liquid fuel known as biofuel, with the two main types being ethanol and biodiesel. In order to make these, the plant cell walls must be broken down, and then the intermediates are processed biologically (such as using microbial fermentation) or chemically (typically through the use of particular catalysts) in order to form the biofuel. One of the biggest uses of these biofuels is as a substitute for gasoline in transportation. As the plants grown to make biofuels take in CO2, and it is that same CO2 that is released when they are burned, is considered a carbon neutral fuel, meaning it takes in as much carbon as it releases. This makes them a promising possibility to reduce carbon emissions while minimizing changes to infrastructure. However, the energy return on energy investment for a lot of biofuels is low.


Solar energy centers on using energy from the sun for our uses. There are two broad types of it, with the simpler one being passive solar energy

Passive solar energy does not use mechanical or electrical equipment, not does it actually collect or store any energy. It uses the natural heat and light given off by the sun. Examples of passive solar energy include solar ovens, skylights which decrease the need for electricity for lighting, darker colored buildings to absorb more heat, or even things that block the sun such as trees that provide shade and cool homes down. Passive solar energy reduces the need for electricity produced by other means.

The other form of solar energy, which is what is typically thought of when people imagine "solar power" is active solar energy. This uses mechanical and/or electrical equipment to actually capture the sun's energy. 

One of the main forms of this is capturing the sun's heat. Solar water heaters work by capturing the sun's heat in water, which is warmed and then transferred to a home, which reduces the need for gas or electricity being used to heat the water. This can actually be done passively as well, but it is far more efficient and can be used in a wider range of climates if used actively. Another example is concentrated solar thermal (CST) power, which uses mirrors or lenses to concentrate sunlight, using the heat to create steam, spin a turbine, and generate electricity. 

When most people think of solar power, they imagine photovoltaic cells, or solar panels. These capture the light energy from the sun and convert it directly into electricity. This is done through the use of semiconducting systoms, with silicon being the most commonly used semiconductor.

Solar panels are commonly used in two main forms: rooftop solar and solar farms. Rooftop solar are your standard solar panels that are found on top of buildings. These have very little environmental impact, using minimal land and not producing any air pollutants or greenhouse gases. Some people produce enough electricity using their solar panels that they can actually make money by sending the excess electricity back to the grid.

Solar farms are larger-scale and have numerous, larger panels. They generate significantly more electricity than rooftop solar does, but they also result in more habitat destruction and therefore have a larger environmental impact.

Solar energy as a whole is a renewable and nondepletable source of energy. However, it has the problem of intermittency - they are limited by the amount of sunlight available in a particular area. Energy generated during the day can be stored for use at night, however, the battery technology we currently have is expensive and not fully efficient, limiting its use. In addition, the semiconductor metals need to be mined, which is associated with its own environmental problems and concerns.


Hydropower, or hydroelectric power, uses the movement of water to generate electricity. It does this in much the same way as fossil fuels work. The movement of water spins a turbine, which turns a shaft in a generator, which generates electricity.

In its simplest form, hydropower involves the creation of such turbines in moving water, such as a river. This is far from the only way that the movement of water can be harnessed to generate electricity, however. The movement of the tides can also be used - tidal energy centers around the placing of turbines so that the natural ebb and flow of the tides spins them.

Dams, structures built across streams/rivers to hold back water and hold it in artificially made reservoirs, are commonly used for hydropower. Dams are strategically built in areas with strong drops in elevation. It holds water back, although water will flow through the penstock (essentially an intake pipe) due to gravity, where it will encounter and spin a turbine.

Dams, along with being extremely expensive to construct (a construction which typically involves the combustion of fossil fuels), have a variety of effects on local environments. 

Flooding becomes more common upstream of the dam, along with significantly increased sedimentation. Habitats downstream lose out on nutrients that were present in the sediment, along with their decreased water levels. In addition, this disturbs the migration of species such as salmon, that swim upstream to their spawning grounds. Fish ladders, also known as fishways, have been being constructed to allow a path for them to follow their normal migration path. Essentially, there are a series of "steps" where fish jump from pool to poll until they reach the reservoir.

Despite the above listed issues, there are a variety of benefits to using hydropower. Once the dam is built, there is no production of air pollutants or greenhouse gases associated with the generation of electricity in this manner.


Within the Earth, radioactive decay is occurring, which gives off a lot of thermal energy, or in other words, heat. Geothermal energy uses this energy from within the Earth.

While this concept may seem unfamiliar to you, try to think of natural hot springs, like those that are commonly used in Japan. They use the same general premise - using the natural heat given off from within Earth.

Water can be piped into the ground and heated by this heat given off by the mantle. After that, you know the drill: the hot water becomes steam, the steam spins a turbine, and the associated generator produces electricity. Alternatively, the warm water can be used to directly heat buildings.

One of the biggest issues with geothermal energy is that it is not accessible everywhere. The most active locations for geothermal energy are near plate boundaries. Hydrothermal areas are hot, permeable, and contain liquid within them; these areas can have hot water extracted from them. Most areas do not meet all three of these characteristics, and instead have water pumped down, however, this has been linked to an increased risk of small earthquakes.

As the requisite heat is found in very deep areas within the Earth, the cost of drilling associated with the construction of geothermal power plants is very high.  In addition, while there are far fewer emissions into the air with geothermal when compared to fossil fuels, geothermal plants can result in the release of small amounts of CO2, as well as hydrogen sulfide (a toxic gas that inhibits cellular respiration). Hydrogen sulfide can even be released in small amounts by the above-mentioned natural hot springs.


At this point, you're probably very familiar with the concept of the spinning of a turbine resulting in the generation of electricity. Wind energy centers around the movement of air spinning a special turbine known as a wind turbine, and its spinning of a generator resulting in the production of electricity. Note that I said wind turbine - what you most likely refer to as a "wind mill" is a wind turbine; wind mills were used to mill (grind) grains into flour.

Modern wind turbines often contain motorized drives that allow them to turn so that they are facing the wind. According to the US EIA, the average wind turbine in 2020 generated enough electricity to power an average home for one month after only 46 minutes.

Wind turbines are typically found either in wind farms (groups of turbines in flat, open areas) or offshore wind (essentially wind farms in oceans or lakes). They are often clustered together to make servicing, repairing, and building transmission lines easier. Offshore wind requires longer transmission lines, and a significantly more complicated construction process, resulting in greater expenses. However, there are faster winds, resulting in the generation of more electricity.

Wind turbines do not release air pollutants or greenhouse gases while generating electricity, they are a non-depletable source of energy, and they can share land with other things (such as agriculture), resulting in a lack of habitat destruction. 

Like with solar power, wind turbines suffer from intermittency as it isn't always windy. Extra energy can be stored, but we can't store much with our current technology and grid capabilities, so wind power works best as a supplement to other sources of energy. In addition, wind turbines can kill flying species, particularly birds and bats, although research has shown that painting a single blade black greatly reduces the number of animal deaths. Wind farms are often considered an eyesore, which results in people not wanting them built near their homes or neighborhoods. 

Hydrogen Fuel Cells

Hydrogen fuel cells are electrochemical cells that produce electricity through redox reactions using hydrogen gas (H2) and oxygen gas (O2) from the air. The emissions from this process are water, meaning this process does not release any CO2 or air pollutants.

The general process is as follows: the hydrogen gas enters a fuel cell. At the anode, the atoms are split, with H+ ions moving through the electrolyte membrane to the cathode. Electrons move through a circuit to reach the cathode, producing an electric current. It is at the cathode that the electrons, H+ ions, and oxygen react to form water.

The main use for hydrogen fuel cells is as a replacement for fossil fuels (particularly gasoline) in things like vehicles. These fuel cells have very little environmental impact comparatively and are a much cleaner and more sustainable source of energy, but the technology is fairly expensive.

In addition, pure hydrogen gas isn't exactly easy to come by - it doesn't exist by itself as a gas naturally. There are two main ways in which we separate H2 from other molecules.

Steam reforming involves the burning of methane, and using steam to separate out the hydrogen gas. This releases CO2 and requires the use of methane, a fossil fuel. Unfortunately, as this is the cheapest way to produce hydrogen gas, it is by far the most used.

Electrolysis involves the use of an electric current with water, splitting water into oxygen gas and hydrogen gas. This requires electricity, but does not release any CO2 and is a more sustainable method. Recently, a highly efficient (nearly 100%) method for using electrolysis to create hydrogen gas from seawater was developed, using cheap and plentiful catalysts.

Energy Conservation

Along with switching to more renewable sources of energy, it is also helpful to conserve energy and simply use less of it. This can be done either at smaller scales, making changes around the home, or larger scale, where it occurs community-wide.

Small-Scale Energy Conservation

Large-Scale Energy Conservation