Cell Structure/Function

In eukaryotes, there are a variety of internal membranes and membrane-bound organelles that undergo specific metabolic processes and enzymatic reactions. This allows for more efficient reactions within the cell due to increased surface area, a reduction of competing reactions, and highly specialized regions.

Not all eukaryotic cells are the same, there are plant cells, animal cells, fungal cells, protists, and even differences within those. A skeletal muscle cell within a gorilla will be very different from a red blood cell in the same animal.

Regardless of the differences that may be seen throughout eukaryotic cells, there are certain basic organelles that are found within a large subset of them. And each organelle follows the same basic rule of biology: its structure determines its function.


The cytosol is the jelly-like fluid that is mostly made of water that is found in all cells. It is the fluid that everything inside the cell moves around in. It is where a lot of cell processes take place and holds things in place inside of the cell. 

When considering all of the contents of the cell within the membrane but outside the nucleus, so the cytosol and everything inside of it, you are discussing the cytoplasm.


The cytoskeleton consists of threadlike proteins of three major types: microtubules, intermediate filaments, and microfilaments. They each vary in their individual function, but the overall job of the cytoskeleton is to provide structure and support, along with helping with transport and motility.


Centrioles are composed of microtubules, with a bound pair of them surrounded by pericentriolar material known as the centrosome (and which is also known as a microtubule organizing center or MTOC). These are responsible for the formation of spindle fibers and the movement of chromosomes during cell division.


The nucleus is surrounded by a double membraned nuclear envelope with pores that control what can go in and out of the nucleus. Its major function is that it stores the cell's DNA (typically in the form of chromatin) and is where processes involving the DNA, such as replication or transcription, take place.

Inside of the nucleus is the nucleolus, which is responsible for the creation of ribosomes.


Ribosomes are found in all cells and are composed of two subunits, with each being made of proteins and ribosomal RNA (rRNA). They are responsible for polypeptide synthesis - the creation of proteins by joining amino acids into a chain during translation.

Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum

The Rough ER is a membrane network with ribosomes embedded in it. It is found right outside the nucleus and is also responsible for polypeptide synthesis, due to the ribosomes; it also functions in intracellular transport of proteins. The proteins made by the Rough ER will be exported from the cell or used in the cell membrane.

Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum

The Smooth ER is a bare membrane network (the lack of ribosomes resulting in the difference in appearance). It is also responsible for intracellular transport, but has no role in making proteins. Instead, it is responsible for lipid synthesis and detoxification. 

Golgi Body

When the Rough ER sends its proteins, it is sending them to the Golgi. This is a group of flattened membrane sacs in the cytoplasm. It received vesicles, which are little membrane sacs, from the rough ER. It then processes and modifies whatever it receives and sends it on its way. Due to its job of “shipping and receiving” the Golgi is often thought of as the mailman of the cell.


Vacuoles are membrane sacs found in the cytoplasm – they’re kind of like larger vesicles. Their job is to store things – they can quarantine potentially harmful materials, store molecules or waste for the cell, and in animal cells in particular, they play a useful role in exo and endocytosis. 

In plant cells, there is a special, large vacuole known as the Central Vacuole which plays a major role in maintaining turgor pressure - the force with which the membrane pushes against the cell. Think of how a water balloon gets harder as you fill it with water - it's basically like that as the vacuole fills with water.


Fairly similar to a vacuole in structure is the lysosome. This is another membrane sac, however, this one contains hydrolytic enzymes. If you break down the name lysosome, “lyse” means to break down or destroy something. 

The lysosome is responsible for intracellular digestion and the recycling of materials. For example, if a protein is no longer working, the lysosome can break it down so the amino acids can be reused. This organelle is also responsible for apoptosis. This is programmed cell death and is useful for the body dealing with infected or dysfunctional cells, and some specific apoptosis is also a part of normal human development, such as in the apoptosis of embryonic hand cells in order to form fingers.


In order to do most cell processes, you need a certain amount of energy, which leads us to the mitochondria (mitochondrion = singular). 

Mitchondrion have a double membrane, with the inner membrane having a number of folds – these are called cristae and increase the surface area allowing for more reactions. The part inside of the innermost membrane is called the matrix, while the area between the two membranes is the intermembrane space. The mitochondria are the site of ATP synthesis during aerobic respiration. meaning it produces energy for the cell.


The chloroplast, an endosymbiont similar to the mitochondria, have a double membrane with internal stacks (grana) of membrane discs known as thylakoids. Within the thylakoids are pigments that take in light and use it for the process of photosynthesis, making food for the cell.

These are found only in plant and algal cells, for the most part. There are some cool animals, like the leaf slug, that steal chloroplasts from algae that they eat.


If you think of things that you use energy for, one of the things you probably first thing of involves movement of some kind. Cells are capable of moving as well. They use protrusions known as cilia or flagella. 

The cilia are smaller, hair-like protrusions, while the flagella is a longer, whip-like protrusion that almost looks like a tail. They are responsible for movement – the cilia move things across the cell’s surface – for example, there are cilia in the respiratory tract that, through a rhythmic beating motion, keep dust and dirt away from the lungs. Flagella are responsible for moving the entire cell, such as in sperm cells which allows them to move around and reach the egg cell. Flagella are powered by a very complex series of thousands of proteins all working together in what is known as the “flagellar motor”.

Cell Wall

Not found in animal cells, but found in plants, fungi, and prokaryotes, the cell wall is a rigid external outer layer made of complex carbohydrates. In plants, it is made of the polysaccharide, cellulose. It provides structure/support, mechanical strength, and prevents excess water uptake in the cell. They act as a barrier for some substances, preventing them from entering the internal environment of the cell.

Cell Membrane

The membrane is a selectively permeable barrier found in all cells separating the internal and external environments. This basically means that it controls what goes into or out of the cell. Due to the properties of the membrane, only certain things can flow through. Small nonpolar molecules can freely diffuse in or out, while many polar and charged molecules can’t. Some molecules that normally can’t pass through can through the use of special proteins. The membrane also is used for cell signaling and communication, where cells can send/receive messages or recognize other cells through the use of specific molecules in the membrane that are very selective in what they can bind to/interact with.

The Fluid Mosaic Model

The cell membrane's structure is known as a fluid mosaic, with this structure being directly responsible for its selective permeability. 

Fluid refers to the fact that the bilayer is viscous and individual parts and lipids can move position. The mosaic part refers to the "mosaic of components" that make up the membrane - it is not just a lipid bilayer, there are embedded proteins, glycolipids, cholesterol, etc.

The fluidity of the membrane is enhanced at a higher temperature and is affected by the composition of the bilayer. Phospholipids with shorter tails or more double bonds increase fluidity. The kinked hydrocarbon tails of unsaturated fatty acids make it more difficult to pack the lipids together. Cholesterol, an important lipid in membranes, acts as a regulator of membrane fluidity, reducing it at higher temps (by "holding on" and stabilizing the membrane so that phospholipids don't get too far from each other) and increasing it at lower temps (by preventing clustering).

Its general structure is a phospholipid bilayer, which is what those red and grey things are. The phospholipids are amphipathic, which means both hydrophobic, or water-fearing, and hydrophilic, or water-loving. The red parts are the hydrophilic heads – they like being near water. The grey parts are hydrophobic tails – they want to avoid water. This leads to them naturally forming this bilayer structure where all the tails are tucked away on the inside away from the water, and the heads are outside near all the water. There are also various proteins throughout the membrane with a huge array of different jobs, with some examples being cell communication, transport, anchorage, intercellular connections, and enzymatic activity. Integral proteins span the bilayer while peripheral proteins associate with only one surface of the membrane. The proteins are localized based on their polarity.