Air Pollution

According to the World Health Organization, several million people are estimated to experience premature deaths each year due to air pollution. In 2021, the US alone emitted 67,000,000 tons of pollutants into the air.

Air pollutants can be split into two distinct categories: primary pollutants and secondary pollutants. Primary pollutants are those that are formed and emitted directly from the pollution source. Secondary pollutants are formed in the atmosphere via chemical reactions, rather than being emitted right from a particular source.

Air Pollutants and their Sources

The Clean Air Act

One of the most influential environmental laws in the United States, the Clean Air Act sought to improve air quality within the nation. It required the EPA to create "National Ambient Air Quality Standards" that regulate the amount of six criteria air pollutants (tropospheric ozone, carbon monoxide, particulate matter, lead, sulfur dioxide, and nitrogen dioxide).

The Clean Air Act has undergone several amendments, adding to the EPA's powers and what it was meant to regulate. One of the most notable was the cap-and-trade provisions of the 1990 amendments. In order to reduce acid rain, power plants were required to reduce sulfur emissions. The factories could decide how they wanted to cut their emissions, and if they lowered them more than required, they could sell their extra "credits" to factories that were over the allowed emissions.

This legislation has made a significant difference. According to the EPA, between 1970 and 2022, criteria air pollutant emissions decreased by 78%.

What about CO2?

Carbon Dioxide is a major greenhouse gas, with its emissions being the leading cause of anthropogenic climate change. It is normal for there to be some amount of CO2 in the atmosphere, as it is a part of the carbon cycle. It is naturally released into the atmosphere from things such as cellular respiration, aerobic decomposition, wildfires, and volcanic eruptions.

That said, the reason it is a major concern is that human activities have been throwing the carbon cycle off balance and leading to continually increasing concentrations of it in the atmosphere. It is primarily released through the combustion of fossil fuels, with other human impacts such as deforestation also increasing its concentration in the atmosphere.

You might be wondering why it isn't included in that list of criteria air pollutants regulated by the Clean Air Act. To put it simply, the United States has a bit of a muddled history with the regulation of CO2. 

You could look at the Kyoto Protocol, an international agreement to reduce greenhouse gas emissions (including CO2) in order to fight climate change, which the US did not ratify.

The EPA has had legal battles over whether or not it had the ability to regulate GHGs, with a Supreme Court decision (Massachusetts v. EPA) granting the agency the ability to regulate them, and a later decision (West Virginia v. EPA) taking away said power. Most recently, the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 listed CO2 as a pollutant and gave the EPA the authority to regulate its emissions.