
The Green Revolution

Farming has changed a lot throughout the course of human history. Technological advances have transformed farming from local family-run farms to primarily large, industrial businesses. This transition is known as the green revolution and it has greatly aided in the ability to address food insecurity and continue feeding a growing population.

Overall, this industrialization of agriculture has led to an increase in efficiency, much higher yields and greater food production, and a more profitable business. However, it comes with a variety of negative effects as well.

Components of the Green Revolution

One of the first steps for the green revolution is the production of high-yield variety crops. These are crops that produce greater amounts of food per crop. This helps to have a more stable food source and can also be more profitable for those growing it. There are two main methods for producing these crops - selective breeding and genetic engineering. When creating genetically modified crops, or GMO crops, they can be modified by scientists in a variety of ways - this can include making crops that grow faster, are drought-resistant, last longer, can grow in different environments, or even ones that are more nutritious or that are resistant to pests/disease. They have been widely studied and found to be just as safe as non-GMO food. However, there is a downside. As these crops are produced, farmers typically produce monocultures of the crops, greatly reducing biodiversity.

Industrialized agriculture relies heavily on machines for their day-to-day use. This mechanization of farms has greatly increased the efficiency of farming, resulting in increased yields and profits. However, this increased reliance on machines also comes with an increased reliance on fossil fuels. Fossil fuel combustion releases greenhouse gases, which result in worsening climate change. The combustion also releases various other air pollutants. In addition, the machines are heavy and can compact the soil. Soil compaction reduces the porosity of soil, which can increase soil density, reducing roots' ability to penetrate the soil and gather nutrients and water. In addition, it reduces the rate of infiltration, reducing the amount of water available in the soil, resulting in desiccated soil that is more susceptible to erosion.

In order to grow significantly more crops, reliance on irrigation systems, synthetic fertilizers, and pesticides have all increased as well. Each of these will be discussed in further detail further down this page.

Impacts of Agricultural Practices

There are a variety of practices that are used in modern-day agriculture that have negative, and even disastrous, environmental effects.

With a growing population, there is an increased need for space to grow crops. One method that is used, particularly in tropical forests, is known as slash-and-burn agriculture. This is pretty much exactly what it sounds like. An existing forest is cut down, with any remaining plant life burned. The burning of vegetation returns nutrients to the soil, allowing for increased yields when farming. However, this comes with a variety of issues. The burning releases a variety of greenhouse gases, such as CO2 and N2O. In addition, particulate matter - an air pollutant and respiratory irritant - is released through the burning. The lack of trees lowers the albedo of the area, resulting in warmer temperatures and soil that is more likely to dry out and become susceptible to increased erosion. Deforestation in this manner also removes habitats, decreases biodiversity, and removes the ecosystem services provided by the trees.

Once the land is available for farming, it is increasingly common to grow monocultures. This is when one single species of crop is planted, making it more efficient to farm as all of the crops require the same care and harvesting needs. However, this has ecological impacts as well. It decreases species diversity due to the lack of other plants, which also decreases habitat diversity, as there are no other plants for species to survive on. In addition, as all of the crops will be ready to be harvested at the same time, there will be periods of time when the soil is left bare. Without roots holding in the soil, the frequency and risk of erosion are increased.

In order to more easily plant crops, tilling is used. This is a process that mixes and breaks up the soil, typically by using a machine known as a rototiller. Breaking up the soil significantly reduces the amount of work needed to plant crops, but it also significantly increases the rate of erosion.  This results in the loss of nutrients and organic matter over time as the topsoil erodes away, which typically results in an overreliance of synthetic fertilizers. In addition, particulate matter can pollute the air and the water. PM in the water can increase turbidity, which can lead to a variety of issues. It can directly harm aquatic organisms and decrease the amount of food available in the ecosystem by limiting plant growth.

Once the crops are planted, in order to maximize their growth and yields, synthetic fertilizers are often used. These are manmade fertilizers that add nutrients, particularly nitrate and phosphate, to the soil. Using these as opposed to organic fertilizers such as manure and compost very efficiently increases the growth of plants. However, it requires fossil fuels to produce these, resulting in air pollution and the emitting of greenhouse gases. In addition, they do not return organic matter to the soil as manure and compost do; this returned and broken-down organic matter increases the water-holding capacity of soil and provides a habitat for decomposers. Having excess nutrients due to overuse of fertilizers can result in leaching, where the nutrients run off into groundwater or surface water. This can lead to contaminated drinking water or disrupts aquatic ecosystems via eutrophication.


With the increase in farmland and crop production, there is a greater need to water the crops and to develop more efficient ways to water them. Irrigation is an essential aspect of agriculture that involves the artificial watering of land, and makes up roughly 70% of freshwater use by humans. Surface irrigation, which involves adding water directly to an area of land and distributing it over the surface, is by far the most common worldwide and has been used in some areas for thousands of years.

Water for irrigation comes from a variety of places, including surface water (such as rivers and lakes), treated water (such as wastewater or desalinized water), and groundwater. Aquifers are deposits of groundwater where the water is stored within the pores of permeable rocks underground. They are replenished by infiltration of water into the ground. The water table is the uppermost part of the water-saturated rock which can be raised through the infiltration of more water and lowered from the pumping and removing of water.

Surface Irrigation: Flood Irrigation

Flood irrigation involves flooding the agricultural field with water. It is not the most efficient method, losing about 20% of water due to evaporation and runoff. It is an easily used method, but it can waterlog the soil and drown plants.

Surface Irrigation: Furrow Irrigation

In furrow irrigation, parallel trenches or channels (or "furrows") are dug parallels to each other and in-between rows of crops. The furrows are filled with water, which slowly seeps in as it is absorbed by plants. This is an easy method, and is also fairly inexpensive, but it is even more inefficient than flood irrigation, with roughly 1/3 of water lost to runoff and evaporation.

Spray Irrigation

Pumping water through spray nozzles onto the fields is known as spray irrigation. If you have built-in sprinklers in your yard, think of that. This is more efficient than flood and furrow, with only 1/4 of it being lost due to runoff and evaporation. However, it requires a lot more energy to run and is significantly more expensive than surface irrigation.

Drip Irrigation

Perforated hoses that have water run through them as they slowly drip water out is the method used in drip irrigation. This is the most efficient method, which only loses about 5% of water through runoff and evaporation. However, it is also the most expensive, meaning it is not used very often.

There are problems associated with irrigation, particularly as it comes to overwatering crops.

Waterlogging can occur when there is so much water that the soil is completely saturated and the pores are filled with water such that there is no room for air. This has negative effects on plants and can stunt their growth, or drown and kill them. The soil can be aerated to help alleviate the problems from this; soil aeration involves poking holes in the soil in order to provide air to the roots.

The water that is obtained from aquifers and is used in irrigation is freshwater, but it is not 100% pure water; there are small amounts of salt present. As water evaporates, it leaves behind the salt, which builds up in concentration over time. If the concentration becomes high enough, it can reach toxic levels, preventing growth and killing plants by dehydrating their roots. This process is known as soil salinization. There are solutions, such as using more efficient irrigation methods (like drip irrigation), using fresher water, and flushing out or desalinizing the soil, but they are expensive.

One thing that can worsen this problem, as it makes groundwater saltier, is saltwater intrusion. When water is pumped out of aquifers, the water table is lowered. If it is lowered too much near the coast, salt water can begin to seep in, increasing the salinity of the groundwater in the aquifer.

Pest Control

With increased agricultural productivity, the threats posed by pests that can destroy crops increasingly need to be addressed. 

One of the biggest things that can be done to address pests is the use of pesticides. These are chemicals that are toxic to and can kill pests. The root "-icide" means that it is killing something; insecticides kill insects, herbicides kill plants, rodenticides kill rodents, and fungicides kill fungi. These can be sprayed on the crops in order to prevent pests from eating or disturbing them, which results in greater yields from the crops. These come with two major issues, though. One is that pests can evolve to become pesticide-resistant through natural selection. If there are pests that happen to have a variation that makes them more resistant than others, they will be more likely to survive and reproduce, making the resistance a higher proportion in the next generation. The pesticides act as a selective pressure and cause the population to evolve towards resistance due to natural selection. The other is the threat of non-target killings, where the pesticide harms unintended species, such as pollinators.

A second large method, and one that is being increasingly used, is genetically modified crops. The two major strategies for this are making crops that are resistant to pests (such as Bt corn which produces its own pesticide) and making crops that are herbicide resistant (such as 'RoundUp Ready' crops).  While it may sound scary to be eating a corn that essentially produces its own poison, it's actually perfectly safe! Think about how you can eat chocolate, grapes, or garlic but it's dangerous for your dog; the toxicity of a substance depends on the species.

Bt corn has been found to have significantly fewer environmental impacts, such as killing non-target species and the risk of water contamination, and reduces overall pesticide use. Of course, however, if there are organisms such as predators that rely on the pests, they may be negatively affected due to the reduction in pest populations. In addition, there is concern about pesticide resistance evolving from this as well.

Herbicide-resistant crops result in an increase in herbicide use. As the crops are resistant to the herbicides, herbicides can be used with much less care and more frequency to kill and prevent weeds from growing, which compete for resources with the crops and can limit or impede their growth.

Integrated Pest Management

There is a growing push to attempt to control pests in a way that minimizes damage to the environment. The combination of methods that are used to accomplish this goal are known as Integrated Pest Management (IPM). This methodology can involve greater costs, time-commitments, and complexity, but they do a great job of helping to prevent damage done to the environment as well as public health.

One of the methods that can be used is biocontrol. This involves using other organisms to control the pest populations. It can center around the use of predators, competitors, parasites, or pathogens to accomplish this control. Classical biocontrol is when a new population of natural predators is introduced and established, however this is not the only method. Natural "enemies" can be conserved or habitats can be made to naturally attract them. They can also be bred and periodically released, rather than the other two options. An example of this would be using ladybugs, which are a natural predator of aphids (which happen to be one of the most destructive pests on crops in temperate areas).

Rather than focusing on using separate organisms to control the pests, they can be controlled via crop management as well. One method, that you are probably familiar with, but just not in this context, is crop rotation. This involves alternating which crops are planted where. Typically, it's discussed in terms of soil conservation and improving soil fertility. As most pests have preferred food sources, crop rotation can disrupt their access to food sources and prevent populations from being established. Intercropping, the planting of multiple crops in close proximity to each other (most commonly in alternating rows), can also work to protect crops from pests. There are plants that can repel pests, plants that can attract the pests to them to keep them away from the crops, and plants that can attract natural predators that can be used with biocontrol. By using these other plants in combination with the crop, damage from pests can be minimalized. 

Sustainable Agriculture

We started talking about it with IPM and drip irrigation, but there are a variety of ways to maintain agriculture that are not as damaging to the environment. One strategy is to focus on preventing soil degradation. 

Currently, soil erosion is a major problem as it leads to a loss of nutrients and moisture, along with causing other damage such as increased water turbidity. This is particularly an area of concern in America, as we lose topsoil to erosion roughly 10x the speed that new topsoil is made. As such, soil conservation centers around agricultural techniques that minimize topsoil erosion.

Contour Plowing

When plowing a field, plowing across the slop rather than down the slop is known as contour plowing. This creates ruts that are perpendicular, rather than parallel, to the slopes, which catches the water as it flows down the slope.


In terracing, a series of terraces (which look like large steps) are built into the slope of the hill or mountain side that the farming is taking place. This greatly reduces erosion and water runoff, as the steps help to catch water, but it is a very labor intensive method when it comes to creating the steps.

Perennial Crops

A lot of crops are known as annuals, meaning that they need to be replanted annually. Perennial crops, on the other hand, do not need to be replanted; they live year-round and will grow back on their own after harvest. They have longer, more established root systems than annuals do, which work to hold in the soil more and reduce erosion.


While water often causes soil erosion, it is not the only driver of erosion. The wind can also lead to erosion of soil. Windbreaks can be built in order to block the wind and reduce this effect. They are made by planting trees and shrubs. Along with slowing the wind and reducing erosion, there are a myriad of benefits that come with them due to the increased plants. Windbreaks such as this result in increased biodiversity, more habitats for other species, increased carbon sequestration, a supply of resources such as fruit or firewood, and general improvement of soil and water quality.

No Till

Tilling is an agricultural practice that involves preparing the soil for easier planting by agitating it through methods such as digging, stirring, and overturning. While this makes it significantly easier to plant crops, it also greatly increases the rate of erosion. No till agriculture does not use tilling (hence the name...), which decreases the amount of erosion, increases water infiltration, and prevents the loss of decomposers which increases nutrient cycling.

Strip Cropping

A type of intercropping, strip cropping involves planting crops in alternating, narrow strips. The alternating rows will typically involve less dense and then more dense crops. The roots of the more dense crops work to hold in the soil better and prevent erosion. The more dense crops slow down water, which reduces the erosion that would occur in the soil where low density crops are planted. This will often be coupled with crop rotation, where the alternating rows will be rotated with each other.

Along with erosion, another risk that soil is facing is nutrient depletion. Nutrients are lost overtime as crops pull them from the soil, and many modern agricultural practices such as monocropping amplify these problems. Strategies to retain or improve soil fertility that do not rely merely on the use of synthetic fertilizers (which cause their own issues) are an essential part of sustainable agriculture.

One of the most well-known methods for improving soil fertility is crop rotation. Planting different crops on the same plot of land sequentially works to prevent the depletion of soil nutrients. Growing the same type of plant over and over in the same area will gradually deplete specific nutrients. In addition, it will also allow for specific weeds or pests that thrive well with that certain crop to take over. By rotating through different plants, with each having different nutrient needs, it reduces the risk of a specific nutrient being depleted and allows more time for the soil to recover its nutrient levels. Some crops are even very helpful at actively improving nutrient levels. Legumes, for example, have nitrogen-fixing bacteria in their root nodules and help to increase the levels of nitrate in the soil.

The use of cover crops and green manure can help as well. Oftentimes, there is a period of time between harvest and replanting where the soil is bare. Cover crops such as fast-growing grasses can be planted that will grow over and cover the soil, without the intention of ever being harvested; they are typically used to protect soil health. Their roots will work to prevent erosion and water loss from the soil. In addition, legumes such as clover can be planted to increase soil fertility (although they typically need to be grown for an entire season rather than just the off-season for this purpose). The cover crops will be clipped, mulched, and churned so that their remains can create a "green manure." It will be decomposed to improve the nutrient content of the soil. Along with helping with soil fertility, while the cover crops are present, they can also suppress weeds, provide habitats, attract pollinators, and reduce erosion.

When soil becomes more acidic, it reduces the availability of nutrients. A lower pH means there is an increased amount of hydrogen ions (H+), which displaces the nutrients. A common technique for increasing the soil pH is adding limestone, which releases calcium carbonate and neutralizes the soil. This increases nutrient availability in the soil and improves plant growth and health.